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Problem of the Week
Problem A
What Number Am I?

  1. I am a three-digit number. All of my digits are different. My digits are all even numbers greater than 0 and less than 8. If you read my digits from left to right, they are not always increasing. The hundreds digit is the smallest digit. What number am I?

  2. I am a four-digit number. All of my digits are different. If the digits appeared in the same order on a (12 hour) digital clock, it would show a valid time. The sum of the hours digits of this time is equal to the difference between the larger minutes digit and the smaller minutes digit of this time. The ones (units) digit is 8. What number am I?

  3. I am a four-digit number. All of my digits are odd. The product of the thousands digit and the hundreds digit is the same as the two-digit number equal to my last two digits. The hundreds digit and the ones (units) digit are the same number. Exactly one of my digits is a 1. What number am I?