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Problem of the Week

Problem B

Squirrelly Over Nuts

Squiggles the Squirrel loves nuts. He has to be sure that he has enough for the winter, so he decides to hide a bunch around his yard. He buries them in a special way so that he will be able to find them. A portion of his yard is shown as a grid below.

In hiding the nuts, he uses the following plan. Starting at \(X\) he buries 2 nuts. He will then repeat the following three steps.

  1. He moves 2 m north, 3 m east, and 1 m south, and then buries 3 nuts.

  2. He moves 3 m north, 3 m east, and 2 m south, and then buries 5 nuts.

  3. He moves 4 m north, 3 m east, and 3 m south, and then buries 8 nuts.

EXTENSION: Examine the points on your grid from part b). Describe how Squiggles could reach his hiding spots with the least amount of running around.

Themes: Algebra, Geometry