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Problem of the Week

Problem A

That’s A Lot of Reading

The first National Geographic magazine was published in September 1888.

  1. Assume that the magazine was published every month of each year since the first publication. By the end of this year, how many National Geographic magazines would you have if you had one copy of each magazine? That is, how many magazines would be in the complete collection from September 1888 to December 2020?

  2. Assuming each magazine has 145 pages, how many pages would be in one complete collection?

  3. Assume that each issue is approximately 5 mm thick. If you stacked the magazines from one complete collection one on top of the other, would the pile be taller than your classroom? Explain your reasoning.

  4. Assume that each National Geographic magazine is \(25.5\) cm tall. If you laid the magazines from one complete collection end-to-end, would they go around a 400 m track?

Theme: Number Sense