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Problem of the Week
Problem A
Counting Coins

The Coyne family keeps a jar on the counter to hold spare change. At the end of each week, everyone in the family puts any coins they have in the jar. At the end of each month they empty the jar and donate the money to a local charity.

At the end of last month the Coyne family counted the coins in their jar and noticed the following totals:

  1. How many coins were in the jar at the end of last month?

  2. How much money was in the jar at the end of last month?

Note: In Canada, a nickel is worth \(5\) cents, a dime is worth \(10\) cents, a quarter is worth \(25\) cents, a loonie is worth \(100\) cents, and a toonie is worth \(200\) cents. Also, \(100\) cents is equal to \(1\) dollar (\(\$1\)).

Theme: Number Sense