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Problem of the Week
Problem D and Solution
Again and Again and Again


When the fraction \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000}\) is written as a decimal, which digit occurs in the 2023rd place after the decimal point?


Notice that \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000} = \frac{1}{10\,000\,000}\times \frac{1}{7} = 0.000\,000\,1\times \frac{1}{7}\).

Also, note that \(\frac{1}{7} = 0.\overline{142857}\). That is, when \(\frac{1}{7}\) is written as a decimal, the digits after the decimal point occur in repeating blocks of the \(6\) digits \(142857\).

Therefore, \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000} = 0.000\,000\,1\times \frac{1}{7} = 0.000\,000\,1\times 0.\overline{142\,857} = 0.000\,000\,0\overline{14\,285\,7}\).

That is, when \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000}\) is written as a decimal, the digits after the decimal point will be seven zeros followed by repeating blocks of the six digits \(142857\).

We see the decimal representation of \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000}\) has the same repetition as that for \(\frac{1}{7}\), but the pattern is shifted over \(7\) places. Since \(2023-7=2016\), the 2023rd digit after the decimal point when \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000}\) is written as a decimal is the same as the 2016th digit after the decimal point when \(\frac{1}{7}\) is written as a decimal.

Since \(\frac{2016}{6} = 336\), then the 2016th digit after the decimal point occurs after exactly \(336\) repeating blocks of the \(6\) digits \(142857\). Therefore, the 2016th digit is the last digit in the repeating block, which is \(7\).

The 2023rd digit after the decimal point in the decimal representation of \(\frac{1}{70\,000\,000}\) is the same as the 2016th digit after the decimal point in the decimal representation of \(\frac{1}{7}\), and is therefore \(7\).