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Problem of the Week
Problem A
What’s in the Pouch?

Zoha’s class is raising money for a local charity. The class puts any money raised into a pouch, and each Thursday their teacher creates a math problem about the money in the pouch.

The following note was attached to the pouch today.

This pouch contains a total of \(\$20.30\) in Canadian money consisting of \(4\) coins and \(3\) bills.

What are the specific bills and coins in the pouch?

What is the solution to the problem? Justify your answer.

Note: The coins available in Canada are nickels that are worth \(5\) cents, dimes that are worth \(10\) cents, quarters that are worth \(25\) cents, loonies that are worth \(\$1\), and toonies that are worth \(\$2\). Also, \(\$1\) is equal to \(100\) cents. The lowest denominations of bills are worth \(\$5\), \(\$10\), and \(\$20\).

Theme: Number Sense