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Problem of the Week
Problem B
Jafar’s New Floor

Jafar is laying new hardwood flooring in his rectangular living room, which has an area of \(66~\text{m}^2\). Each box of flooring has \(8\) identical wooden planks, and each plank has an area of \(0.2~\text{m}^2\).

  1. Assuming that there is no waste, how many planks will he need to cover the floor of his living room?

  2. If Jafar wants to buy an extra \(10\%\) for waste, how many boxes of flooring does he need to buy?

  3. If each box costs \(\$74.50\) and sales tax is \(15\%\), what will be the total cost of the flooring in part (b)?

Theme: Geometry & Measurement